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Dewsbury Escape


21st August 1986 Yorkshire Post


Escapologist David De-Val is throwing out a challenge at the Gala Day in Crow Nest Park, Dewsbury on Saturday.

He is inviting people to take along their own locks to make sure he is securely shackled before attempting an unusual escape routine as one of several attractions at the gala, being staged by Kirklees leisure services.

Chained around the neck, wrist, arms and legs and holding a live stun grenade, David will be locked in to the boot of a car and while it’s being driven around the arena he will attempt to free himself and fling out the grenade before it explodes.

He does point out that there is no risk to the audience as the grenade does not fragment but simply explodes with a very loud bang.

Providing he survives the escape he will for an encore play “Russian Roulette” with five hangman’s nooses

no man should regret dying for a good act, in fact it is a privilage!"-

Harry Houdini

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