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Doug Melia from Safer Handling

He will be talking about his travels & experiences of other countries various restraint devices & how approaches differ region to region and the cultures at work.

One thing he wants to ask the audience to consider, is why when it comes to a Human Rights approach to reducing restrictive practices, our track record here in the UK isn’t infallible.

He will be sharing some case studies from Safer Handling International’s client-base and discussing escape stories from the history books of places we support.

“Those who don’t move, fail to notice their chains.” Rosa Luxemburg

Kayden Black

International Illusionist will be joining us straight from his UK TOUR - Illusion Impossible


Chris Gower

A talk on rare cuffs that Houdini Owned


A guided Prison Tour  (1.5 hours)


A live cell escape 


Robin Fox

Attempts the Houdini - Hudson challenge


Karl Bartoni

World famous escapologist and the only person to perform an USD straitjacket from Blackpool tower.



Details to be announced


The Mick Hanzlik Award

The David De-Val Award

More details to be announced............

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